Bernstein's Bytes



Chanukah is coming up very soon, so we all need to get ready. As many of you know, Yeshua celebrated Chanukah (John 10:22-23). It’s very possible that He was conceived on Chanukah because if we jump 9 months ahead, it takes us to Sukkot, the true birthdate of our Messiah. Chanukah is known as the Feast of Dedication. The Israelites had a mighty victory over the Syrian King, Antiochus Epiphanes, so they wanted to celebrate by cleansing the temple from the disgusting sacrifices he performed and

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Lech Lecha (To Go) 

Lech lecha means to go, or to leave.  God told Abram to leave his native land and his father's house for a land that God would reveal to him.  He promised to make him into a great nation, to bless him, make his name great, and bless those who blessed him, and curse those who cursed him.  He was 75 years old at that time.  It's not as if he was retiring and selling his home and moving to a condo in Boca Raton to be near his family.  This was a major lifestyle shift late in life.  But Abram had great faith…

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Parasha Balak 

In these last days, many scoffers will come.  There will be many who appear as wolves in sheep's clothing who want to water down the message of the Good News and who want to destroy God's people. Parasha Balak is a prime example of some of the methodologies being used today to destroy God's people.  Balaam plays the leading role in this parasha (commentary). He was a prophet for hire. He was a sorcerer. His name is mentioned 60 times in the Bible. That's more than any of the apostles. He was hired by Balak…

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